Key Benefits of Chiropractic care:

  • Quick therapeutic response
  • Absence of medicines
  • Uses non-invasive techniques
  • Increases flexibility and mobility
  • Relieves stiffness, spasms and muscle contractures
  • Reduces stress
  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • Improves the quality of restful sleep
  • Works in all age groups
  • Improves immune response
  • Improves body posture and balance
  • Improves spine health
  • Improves physical performance and respiratory capacity
  • Increases energy level and sense of well-being

Clinical Indications

  • Head and Neck

    Numerous injuries can lead to pain in the head or neck. From a simple tension, it can progress to headache, or even tingling, numbness and sensitivity change.

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  • Thoracic Spine

    Located in an intermediate region and of less mobility, the thoracic spine plays an important role in the protection and sustentation of the organs, along with the ribs.

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  • Hips and Lower Back

    They represent the basis of support of the body and are closely linked to posture and locomotion. By absorbing most of the body weight, injuries in these regions cause severe and disabling conditions.

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  • Knees and Legs

    Being at the peak of orthopedic complaints, knees are one of the most clinically affected joints. Its proper functioning is closely linked to the stability made by the adjacent support structures.

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  • Extremities

    Fists, ankles, elbows, hands and feet closely relate to our spine and are also susceptible to injury and misalignment.

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  • Thoracic Spine

    Located in an intermediate region and of less mobility, the thoracic spine plays an important role in the protection and sustentation of the organs, along with the ribs.

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  • Knees and Legs

    Being at the peak of orthopedic complaints, knees are one of the most clinically affected joints. Its proper functioning is closely linked to the stability made by the adjacent support structures.

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Esp. Iraíma Fadanelli

"I had my first contact with this profession during my childhood. I suffered from severe spinal pains and, even though I was evaluated by several health professionals, I did not achieve any significant results. When I was 12, I went to a Chiropractic office for the first time and that was the beginning of a major transformation in my life. After 6 years without any precise diagnosis, I not only improved my health significantly but also fell in love with the profession. I graduated in Chiropractic care in 2011 and now I dedicate myself to promoting health and well-being to all those who need help".

I share this story with you who suffers from the most varied types of pain. Do not suffer quietly from chronic pain and do not lose hope. Get help! Just like me, you can also change your life.

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Pensem numa profissional incrível e perfeita...agora multipliquem por mil: Essa é a Iraíma Fadanelli. Ela me curou e me deu qualidade de vida quando os médicos diziam ser impossível. Ela me ... Isabella Lima
Profissional de primeira linha que inspira confiança e me fez perder totalmente o medo do tratamento de quiropraxia. Depois de passar 5 meses com dores na coluna que limitavam até como dirig... Luciana Nunes
O que dizer desta profissional com tamanha competência naquilo que faz, e o carinho com que trata todos os pacientes. Maravilhosa, bjo querida sobrinha que a vida me deu. Luiz Targino
Cheguei para iniciar o tratamento apresentando tontura e dificuldade de deglutição. Já tinha experimentado a quiropraxia no passado e os resultados foram bastante satisfatórios. Procurei uma... Leonardo Bruno de Sá
Agradeço à competência da minha quiropraxista Iraíma Fadanelli por tratar e aliviar minhas dores na lombar e cervical!!.. Hellen Avilez


  • Barra da Tijuca - Condomínio Mário Henrique Simonsen

    Avenida das Américas, 3434 Bloco 4 Sala 412, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ